Thank you BAD YOGI MAGAZINE for publishing yogainspirationals 75. Read and share.… read more...
Writer, musician, yoga-loving motorcyclist.
Thank you BAD YOGI MAGAZINE for publishing yogainspirationals 75. Read and share.… read more...
Thanks to Sivana east for publishing my 70th yoga piece (yogainspirationals).
Thanks also to: Yoga International, Yogi Times, elephant journal, Asana Journal, Do You Yoga, Hello Yoga, Tribe Grow, Seattle Yoga News, The Yoga Blog, The Health Orange, Medium, Boa Yoga, and AZ Rider Southwest.
#yogainspirationalsnumber70, #motorcyclingyogiG,, #amwriting, #arizonayogateacherandcoach, #mottoyoga #yogaandleather #superstitionharleydavidson