Help CELEBRATE Debbie on her birthday THIS COMING Wednesday night, Feb. 27, at about 6:00 pm at the Handlebar Pub and Grill, (650 Apache Trail). 480-982-2091. The Handlebar is a “craft beer pub with 29 handles and nice wine list.” No liquor or fried food, all is grilled or oven cooked. Here is their story in their words: “It’s not a restaurant. It’s not a bar. It’s a PUB. A pub, by definition, is a place where communities gather…. Come be our guest and we’ll make you feel right at home!”
She would be happy with your presence and if you want you can bring a funny card of some sort (that’s what she said). But since it is the big SIX OH, I say why not bring an insulting card, a nasty card, a happy card, a sexy card, or even a sincere card. YOUR CHOICE!
Ideally, she’d love to see her daughters Natalie and Mindy, her sister Julie, her former employer (Tracy) from Hawaii, my daughters Ashley, and Briana, but of course, that won’t happen. BUT YOU can take their place and CELEBRATE this truly lovely woman who has served others her entire life and asks for nothing in return. To me, this is the definition of greatness.
*I am holding 2 tables for 6:00 p.m. When you enter the pub from the (west) side door we are sitting to the right away from the band stand.
*It’s crowded until about 8:00 pm. If you want to eat, know that seating is limited. A couple dudes play acoustic guitar on Wednesdays. She likes their song selection and you’ll know most of them when you hear em.
*She knows about this, so it’s no big secret to keep, but if you have questions please call me. Let’s keep her out of the details. It will drive her crazy but that’s okay. By the time we reach 60, we’ve earned the right to go a little crazy. Together, let’s CELEBRATE HER *** *** *** I hope to see you Wednesday, FEB 27, folks !!! Greg 808 640 4624 ***
Jean Mabry says
Happy Birthday Debbie! May all of your dreams come to you!
Greg Ormson says
Hi Jean, I’ll pass on to her and thanks. If by any chance, you’re visiting from Tucson, drop a line. We could all get together and talk about old times in Hawaii !