They practice out of need, and their stories morph to create changed beings. It happens when a deep-reaching self-dialogue opens higher quality conversations connected to heart, discerned by conscious mind, and multiplied by soul.
The unimportant fades as breath majestically leaves and then returns. Body postures blend into physical therapy, and the inscape is charged with an energetic and nuanced love for self and all others.
Inhabitating this new territory – they grow to learn breath is guru – and spirit connects with an inner wind. Then the curriculum of intimate connection to everything takes hold.
Striking a covenant with yoga, they connect by showing up. They do so by faith, knowing well there are no inherited guarantees or predictable outcomes.
But a time-tested truth demonstrates that with practice, when the yogi bears their share in the bendable arc of change, reverberations from need connected to seed become transformational and shepherd them into unexpected and far-reaching evolutions.